Building A $30B AUM Unicorn with Jon Stein, Founder of Betterment

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May 19, 2021

The Rise of Betterment: A Conversation with Jon Stein

Who is Jon Stein?

Jon Stein is a pivotal figure in the FinTech world, known for co-founding and serving as the chairman of Betterment. With 13 years as the company's CEO, Jon has guided Betterment from a startup to a financial powerhouse managing $30 billion in assets for over 600,000 customers. This remarkable growth is a testament to Betterment's innovative approach to financial management and Jon's visionary leadership.

What is Betterment and How Does it Work?

Betterment is a comprehensive investment platform that acts as a digital financial advisor, providing users with a range of services traditionally offered by human advisors. The platform is designed to be smarter, faster, and more cost-effective, offering a user-friendly experience for managing investments, particularly focusing on retirement and other long-term financial goals.

Betterment started in 2010 with a simple concept: a portfolio of stocks and bonds tailored to the user's age and financial situation. Over the years, it has evolved into a sophisticated platform offering customized investment advice, tax management strategies, and a variety of financial planning tools.

What Sets Betterment Apart from Traditional Advisors?

One of the standout features of Betterment is its use of technology to offer services that are typically expensive or exclusive. For example, Betterment's tax-loss harvesting feature automatically sells off assets at a loss to offset gains and reduce taxable income. Another feature, asset location, optimizes the placement of investments in different accounts to minimize taxes. These automated strategies can add significant value over time, making Betterment an attractive option for investors looking to maximize their returns.

Why Did Jon Stein Start Betterment?

Jon's journey to founding Betterment began during his time at Columbia Business School. Inspired by the idea of simplifying investment management and making it accessible to everyone, Jon saw a gap in the market for a platform that could provide comprehensive financial advice in a user-friendly way. His experience as a consultant to banks and brokers provided him with the insights needed to develop a solution that could democratize financial planning and investment management.

How Did Betterment Navigate Regulatory Challenges?

Launching a FinTech company comes with significant regulatory hurdles. For Betterment, obtaining the necessary approvals from financial regulators was one of the most challenging aspects of its early development. Despite the complexities, Jon and his team were committed to doing things the right way, ensuring that Betterment was fully compliant with all relevant regulations before launching to the public.

What Was the Hardest Part of Building Betterment?

The most challenging part of building Betterment was navigating the regulatory landscape and establishing credibility with financial regulators. This process took over a year and required meticulous planning and presentation to bodies like FINRA. Despite these challenges, Jon's persistence and commitment to transparency paid off, allowing Betterment to launch successfully and gain the trust of its users.

Why is Betterment's Approach to Investment Management Effective?

Betterment's approach combines advanced algorithms with a deep understanding of financial principles to offer users a seamless investment experience. The platform's focus on tax efficiency, diversification, and long-term growth helps users achieve their financial goals without the need for constant manual intervention. This automated, intelligent approach is particularly appealing to users who want to invest wisely but may not have the time or expertise to manage their investments actively.


What is Betterment?

Betterment is a digital investment platform that provides automated financial planning services, including investment management, tax optimization, and retirement planning.

How does Betterment differ from traditional financial advisors?

Betterment uses advanced algorithms to provide cost-effective, automated financial advice and management, offering services typically provided by human advisors at a lower cost.

Why is technology important in investment management?

Technology enhances efficiency, transparency, and accessibility in investment management, allowing platforms like Betterment to offer sophisticated financial services to a broader audience.

How has Betterment grown since its inception?

Since its launch in 2010, Betterment has grown to manage $30 billion in assets for over 600,000 customers, driven by its innovative approach to financial planning and investment management.

Why should investors choose Betterment?

Investors choose Betterment for its user-friendly platform, advanced tax optimization strategies, and comprehensive financial planning tools, all designed to maximize returns and simplify investment management.

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By integrating technology and focusing on user-centric design, Betterment is transforming the landscape of investment management, making it accessible and efficient for a wide range of investors. Jon Stein's vision and leadership continue to drive Betterment's success, offering valuable lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs and investors alike.